Thuasne Silistab Epi Anti Epicondylitis Elbow Brace


  • Provides support and stabilization for the joint
  • Suitable for resuming sports (e.g., tennis, golf, weightlifting)
  • Effective elbow brace to relieve pain
  • Suitable for preventing epicondylitis
  • Adjusts to the shape of the elbow
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Thuasne Anti-Epicondylitis Elbow Brace is an elbow orthosis that provides support and stabilization for the joint. It is also suitable for resuming sports (e.g., tennis, golf, weightlifting…) and helps prevent recurrent elbow tendinitis. In addition, this brace has a removable tightening strap to maintain the elbow by exerting uniform compression on the joint while improving proprioception.

Moreover, Thuasne Anti-Epicondylitis Elbow Brace ensures quick sweat evaporation, providing comfort for your skin. This elbow brace not only helps you relieve pain, but can also prevent inflammation and the ‘tennis elbow syndrome’.

-Premium elbow compression sleeve preventing tendon inflammation
-Uniform compression pressure throughout sleeve
-Fitted with 2 silicon massage inserts for targeted compression
-Extra removable strap for varied compression support
-Perforated neoprene material aids in breathability & sweat-wicking properties
-Unique knitted structure to prevent slip during workout
-Anti-wrinkle properties

-Prevention of tendonitis, tennis elbow or golf elbow
-Prevention of lateral epicondyle & medical epicondyle
-Suitable for users with tennis elbow or golfers elbow

How to use:

Put on the elbow brace by positioning the inserts on the forearm, then attach the strap to the brace using the self-gripping fastener. Do not tighten too much to avoid a tourniquet effect. Thanks to this brace, you can play your favorite sports activity, knowing your elbow has sufficient protection.

Additional information

Weight N/A