Walmark has over several years made a significant contribution in building the market for food supplement products. The success we have achieved in our homeland and abroad is based on self-discipline, hard work and the necessary amount of luck. Thanks to conceptual market-oriented focus and growing market shares on domestic as well as foreign markets Walmark is holding the 1st position in the segment of dietary supplements in the region of Central and Eastern Europe according to current IMS Health Data. Our company culture, built on solid ethical principles, along with the loyalty of our employees, created Walmark as a reliable and well-proven partner. Walmark is the evidence that even in the contemporary global world such a company can be established which manages to win recognition in such an exacting branch the pharmaceutical production undoubtedly is, without a foreign capital and know-how. The cognizance that it is possible to come up with an idea, implement it and become successful, represents an inspiration for us, and a challenge to continue in our work.

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