A passion for excellence, our enthusiasm and ethical values, in virtuous and constant synergy, are the fundamental ingredients that have fuelled our mission and motivated the reasons for our existence and our evolution. Since 1975, our wish is to satisfy those who love the quality of life, those who wish to get from nature the energy and fundamental elements that can help them find balance and wellness.
Naturando. A company that sets the standard in providing a responsible and innovative offer of the best wellness choices – specific, effective and natural products – in places where advice is an added value: the health food stores and pharmacies.

Research and Quality
In accordance with herbal traditions, and by making the most of new technologies, we conduct scrupulous scientific research aimed at creating products that are innovative, effective and safe, and the result of our ethical principles. In this way we are able to provide the best “wellbeing concentrates” that nature can offer for health and beauty, without contaminating or impoverishing them with chemical processes or with more economically advantageous, but less healthy, formulas. In this sense, the Naturando trademark, found on more than 140 products, certifies the quality of the product from the raw materials to the production processes, guaranteeing the absence of sensitising substances and OGMs. Nature is not deceptive, and neither do we wish to be.

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