Proud father of three children, Benjamin Abrat, founder of MATERNOV Laboratory, has “known” three very different pregnancies. This diverse range of experiences are taxed at him – and especially his wife … – three observations.
1 – A sometimes short magic
The initial magic can quickly vanish because of nausea and other minor ailments (cramping, constipation, gastric lifts, fatigue, etc.) which although not serious are not less painful to live with.
2 – A subjective well-being
Two pregnancies “normal” (non-pathological) to the medical world in the eyes can be experienced very differently by mothers: while some are immersed in an absolute well-being, others may experience a real “martyrdom.”
3 – Questions, more questions …
The mother sometimes feels alone with these minor ailments of pregnancy, not daring to necessarily talk about it, not knowing who to talk to, or can not find the right person who will take care of her little ailments which fortunately not serious, are sources of anxiety and discomfort.
Three observations of this was born the idea of ​​MATERNOV Laboratory, the first laboratory dedicated exclusively to pregnancy. I need regular.
The MATERNOV Laboratory has one priority: to provide pregnant women with safe and effective solutions
for them to be? more likely to live a fulfilling pregnancy.

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