Since its establishment, Biorga Dermatologie has constantly striven to develop additional solutions for the treatment of various skin conditions, for comprehensive Patient management.
Our expertise now covers almost all areas of dermatology (capillary problems, acne, rosacea, mycosis, warts, etc.) with a priority mission: to keep skin, hair and nails healthy every day. Biorga Dermatologie is now an undisputed leader in the dermatology field:
– Ecophane Biorga is a range of products dedicated to caring for the beauty and balance of hair and nails.
– Cystiphane Biorga products are dedicated to the health of hair and nails.
– Last but not least, a range of care products has been developed to complement skin treatments for conditions such as acne and rosacea.
Our commitment to on-going improvement guides the development and management of Biorga Dermatologie ranges: the products’ Galenic formulations are novel and in line with the latest scientific progress.

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